Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Wow - Germany or more specifically Mannheim is so lush! I love this city and I've been here one day. Today I will do some exploring with Ruth and hopefully I will get oriented quickly. It is quite a small town in size but there are over 2 million people who live here. It makes me realize just how bad Calgary is organized because of the traffic congestion we face each day - not a problem here. These are a few pics of what I saw on my walk yesterday...

If you look closely you'll notice that the cars park half way on the sidewalk to make room for other vehicles. This also ensures that in the case of an emergency, EMS can get to it.

German lesson for the day: Feuerkaefer = Fire bug

My transition is going well thus far. Jet lag - what's that? I slept really well last night and I feel great today! Here's a little picture I colored last night so I could stay awake a bit longer - it worked :)

Tomorrow I will be attending a leadership meeting for churches within Mannheim. It starts at 8:30am but I don't think this will be a problem as I woke up at 7:30 and slept in till 8:30 this morning.

You're all lucky I was able to figure out how to get on my blog. Everything was in German but I just kept clicking till I got where I needed to be. Ha ha - well I will post pics of my place once I move till then, Tschuss! * pronounced somewhat like juice but with more of a t sound at the beginning.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

19 Days till Deutschland

Hi Friends,

Just a quick update. I'm leaving earlier than anticipated so I'll be departing from Calgary September 28th! In these last few weeks I am trying to tie up loose ends and say goodbye to my amazing friends. During this time I also have the privilege of being a bridesmaid in Rachelle and Aubrey's wedding! This summer I have been working full time but I was able to add in some fun by going rock climbing with my sister and her husband. I also went to visit my grandparents on the long weekend and got some water skiing in. I must brag that I did my first successful slalom! It was so exhilerating! Other than that it's been a lot of showers, and wedding preperations/celebrations. The time is fast approaching and I wonder where the summer has gone but I am looking forward with great anticipation to my new life in Germany! Thanks for checking in...

Much Love,